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Give to the GBF Annual Fund today!

Goal: $175,000.00
Collected: $25,820.80
Goal for 2025 Annual Giving

Please help us continue to build on the work we have done in 2024, by joining one of our 2025 Annual Giving Circles. Donations can be done monthly, quarterly or all at once. Annual Giving support to the Greater Belhaven Foundation provides unrestricted funds to support the full range of programs provided by Greater Belhaven Foundation throughout the year. When you join a GBF Annual Giving Circle, you provide support for community events, maintenance of our infrastructure, improvements in security, beautification enhancements, preservation of our historical elements, and tools to support, attract, and retain new restaurants and businesses in our footprint, and more! 

Join an Annual Giving Circle:

GBF 2024 projects and initiatives made
possible by Annual Fund donors:

  • Multiple Community Cleanup Days

  • Established a Yard of the Month Program

  • Removed storm debris across the neighborhood

  • Removed over 20 abandoned vehicles across the neighborhood

  • Installation of new playground equipment at Laurel Street Park

  • Installation of Keith Haring Fitness Court at Belhaven Heights Park

  • Replacement of lighting at Belhaven Park

  • Restored historic  street marker pillar at Linden St.

  • Restored broken Historic Marker at Peachtree St.

  • Provided resources and education to residents about city ordinances and code 

  • Held a Legislative breakfast for residents to meet and share concerns with their elected officials

  • Established a Belhaven Business Coalition

  • Invested  in our communications efforts including updated branding, website design, social media and hard copy newsletters

  • Facilitated over 10 free, community events including Bright Lights, Belhaven Art Series, and the Belhaven Hills Classic 

  • Protected Riverside Dr. medians from football traffic

  • Applied for over $800,000 in private and federal grants

  • Facilitated the development of a traffic calming master plan and worked closely with the city to re-establish the Traffic Calming Committee

  • Vacuumed over 20 storm water drains

  • Paid regular maintenance for Riverside Dr. and Fortification St.

  • Installed and maintained landscaping at Greymont St., Peachtree St. and Jefferson St.

  • Contracted with Security Support Services to conduct a security audit across the entire GBF footprint.

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954 E. Fortification St.
Jackson, MS 39202

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